Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Snack Attack

This is a poost to serve as an update, on this glorious Batman Day, I'm proud to announce that I am still rocking out the Vegan lifestyle. About 5 months now, woho.

It does get progressively easier, maily because you start recognizing the Vegan friendly products and restaurants.  The adventure continues, and I'm learning more each day.

Companies like "Nature Box" & "Vegan Cuts" do help in the snack department,  by sending delicious goodness to your door step, which is brilliant.
I know there is a company out there that sends you produce to your door step as well, but I can't think of their name at the moment.

One thing I need to remember, is to ALWAYS KEEP SNACKS. I'm finding this to be very important,  everyone of course suggests almonds,  which are great. But for a sweet tooth like my self, they can get boring real quick.
My solution? Gala Apples & Pitted Dates.

Why those specifically?
Gala Apples, to me, are the perfect apples. They are nicely sized, has a beautiful tart to it, and are nice and crunchy. My teeth don't "slide" on the skin like other apples *cough* macintosh *cough*

Pitted Dates, are just quicker to enjoy, you don't have to try and work the pit out in the mouth. You just pop it in and enjoy.

Both these snacks are avilable at Giant, you can grab both, a bag of Gala Apples & a small container of Pitted Dates for less than $10.

Hope this was helpful
I'll blog you later.