I am SO excited and feel SO empowered right now. Yesterday (April/19/2014), I officially completed my 6 week pledge of being a Vegan. It was a lovely afternoon, my fellow Pledgers & I got to walk the stage as we were handed out certificates & our coaches cheered for us, it really was a lovely ceremony.

Many of us talked with each other, and spoke of our life transforming experience, and many asked "What now?" which is a very legitimate question.
Lucikly, Brenda has a monthly Meet-Up called the
Veganism Support Group, in which each month she would organize a Pot-Lock event, in which Vegans & The Vegan Curious could get together, network, and discuss which ever topic is chosen for that meet up.
I do believe being connected to the community directly is important. My awesome coach Ben, and his lovely wife have extended their support to me, and we are thinking of having a little Vegan Game Night in the near future, sweet.
As for me, I have decided to STAY Vegan. I feel healthier, more energetic, and all the other Vegans I have met have been nothing but amazing, and kind people. In fact, I have already decided that next year, I WILL be a coach with VLP. I'm also going to continue writing the Vegan Musez blog, to document my experience, at least for the 1st year. I'm sure I will eventually find a more direct way to connect my Veganism to Music, and once that happens, watch out world :)
Today I'm going to be visiting my family, who are of course Middle-Eastern, I will be dropping the Vegan Bomb on them. I'm not sure how they will take it, I'm pretty sure I will be getting the "side eye" from everyone, I wouldn't be surprised if I become the central topic of many jokes, but I take comfort in that. I never did do things "normally", my moto for life has always been "Be a prototype, Not a stereotype". If they want to live in their little comfort bubble, that is their choice, but just like they make their own choices, I also make my OWN.
I feel like my experience hasn't ended, from this point on, it will only extend because now my Vegan choices aren't to simply honor the program, but it is to honor my self, and my fellow Earthlings.
From this point on, I am conscious, present, and Vegan.
I can not thank Erin, Brenda, & Alli enough for this life changing experience, you gals & the lovely VLP coaches are truly angels, and be warned, you have created a Vegan Monster!
Thank you
Vegan Living Program Team :)
Much Love to you all, and my experience will continue on the
Vegan Musez Blog
Mosno Al-Moseeki :)